New Year Holidays for Severely Ill Children 2019
Dear benefactors! Thank you to each of you who joined our festive event and congratulated seriously ill children with disabilities for the New Year holidays!
Our underprivileged children suffering from conditions such as cerebral palsy (CP), central nervous system (CNS) disorders, autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome, and other accompanying hormonal disorders sincerely rejoiced at each gift and were immensely grateful for all the essentials we delivered on your behalf for St. Nicholas Day, New Year, and Christmas.
This year, we distributed: fruits, juices, sweet New Year gifts, developmental games, children’s stationery, books, new children's clothing, large towels, hygiene products, household cleaning supplies, pillows, food packages, baby food, vitamins, and more.
We sincerely thank the companies and institutions:
LLC "PNN Soft"
LLC "DPS-Marines"
LLC "Uniprint"
LLC "Company LTS"
LLC "AKF Business Partners"
LLC "Linkstar"
LLC "SV-Progress"
LLC "Vasp-Trade"
LLC "Döhler Bukovina"
LLC "Summit-Agro Ukraine"
LLC "KyivPharm"
LLC "M.S.L."
PJSC "Donbasenergo"
PJSC "Interconditioner"
PJSC "Odesagaz"
LLC "Children’s Cosmetics"
SE "Automotors"
Dniprorudne Kindergarten №7 "Teremok"
Staff of Vocational Educational Institution "Kyiv OVPU of Hotel and Restaurant Service Technology"
Izyaslav Education Complex School №5 named after O.P. Onyshchuk
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
European Business Association
HHS Technology Group
Katana Group
School in Serkiv
Ukrainian-British Joint Venture "Komora"
Newtone Pharma, TM "Vitatone"
PE "Metalworking +"
SE "Research Farm 'Zoryane' of ISC NAAS"
MullenLowe Adventa
Red Cross Society of Ukraine
Staff of TV Channel "Inter"
Ukrainian Union in Rogaland, Norway
PO of Chernigiv Music School named after S.S. Hulak-Artemovsky
Oleksandriya District House of Culture
Municipal Nonprofit Enterprise "Primary Health Care Center №2"
Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University
Students' Trade Union of MDKEHT
We heartily congratulate you on the New Year 2019 and Christmas!
May your heart be warmed by love and warmth, may your homes be filled with goodness, joy, and God's blessings, and may your eyes shine with happiness!